Inspire 21

Brad Pitt Saves Woman On ‘World War Z’ Shoot: Rescues Her From Trampling

Brad Pitt is taking on an on-screen zombie invasion in Scotland, but for a moment on Thursday night’s shoot, the Oscar-nominee took on the role of a real life-saving hero. (Move over, Ryan Gosling and Kate Winslet!)

Starring as Gerry Lane in the big screen undead apocalypse film, “World War Z,” Pitt was in the midst of shooting a scene in which fearful masses rush through Glasgow’s George Square, trying to get away from the scourge of the face eaters. One woman, involved in the stampede of fearful Scots, fell over amidst the madness, and was in danger of being trampled upon by her fellow extras. Then in came the hero; according to the Scottish Sun newspaper, Pitt rushed over, scooped up the woman and carried her off to safety.

There has been a rash of injuries on the chaotic set, but thanks to Pitt’s bravery and quick reaction time,…

see full article at the huffington post



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