Inspire 21

Lots and Lots of Kids

Story written by a 6-year-old

One day a sad day happened. I chewed my pencil. Mine had bite marks. My sad day was that my golden retriever puppy died. I thought of a good idea. I could make a statue out of my dead animal. I chewed my pencil again. No love for me. “Good morning to no love for me,” I said. I started chewing my pencil again.

All my friends came over, and I was not happy. My other puppy died too. One of my friends farted in my face. “Gross!” I said. I screamed into my other friend’s ear. Madness came into my heart. I pitched a fit. They got mad at me. It was no fun being yelled at, but I deserved it. I screamed back at them. Another friend farted in my face. I started chewing my pencil again. I started to pitch a fit again.

We went out to eat. It was gross. I said, “Give you a test!” I was like, “Never!” I was mad at my friends. I was eating corn when I said, “Spit.” I said, “No hearts for me.” I started chewing my pencil again. Mine had the biggest bite marks.

One of my friend’s goldendoodle puppies died. I was so mad at my friends that I spit at them. “I was just too mad, for no reason” she said. She kept chewing on her pencil. Her goldendoodle puppy whimpered.

“Lots and lots of kids,” I said. And I do not like any of them. I kept on chewing my pencil. I have been jealous a lot. I spit at them again. “Not exciting to have my friends over again,” I said. “I want to yell at you, friends,” I said. “Ah, not excited to see you, friends,” I said. “Gross,” I said when another friend farted in my face. I sat down in my chair. I started chewing my pencil again and again. “Terrible!” I said.

The End



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