Inspire 21

My Life

“She is sick, She won’t survive without medications; she needs this to survive. She will have a short life,” the doctors said all my life. 
I took all those medications and got tested as if I were a guinea pig. They didn’t make me feel so good, actually made me feel worse. I turned 18 years old and took myself off all of those drugs that doctors prescribed and I prayed and left my life in Our Creator, The Creator of Life’s hands. I am here five years later today sharing with you all, I beat the odds of surviving with my medical condition it is called methylmalonic acidemia. The chance of survival is rare, but I did. I made it through it all. I feel great and better than ever. I am married to a wonderful man and I have a beautiful daughter. I say have faith in our creator and believe and things will work out for better.



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