Inspire 21

Superstars and Black Holes


By Dr. Anthony Fernando PhD.

Have you ever noticed that there are two different types of people in the world?

Firstly there are the ’superstars’. Just like their celestial counterparts, superstars radiate warmth, love and positive energy.

You can recognise a superstar by the following characteristics:

Then there are the ‘black holes’ of the world. These are the people who seem to suck the life and light out of everything and everyone around them.

You can recognise a black hole by the following characteristics:

You probably know people who fit well into these two categories, but as with anything in real life, these distinctions are not clear cut.

In reality, all of us are capable of being a superstar or a black hole depending on what we are thinking and how we are feeling at any given moment.

This week I’d like to encourage you to take a look at how you are interacting with those around you on a day-to-day basis. Are you a superstar – radiating warmth and positive energy to everyone you meet, or do you tend to be a bit of a black hole?

The greatest thing about becoming aware of how you are acting is that you always have the choice of how to behave in any given circumstance. Each and every day you can choose whether you are going to be a superstar or a black hole.

Action Steps:

As you go about your weekly activities, take note of how you are interacting with those around you. Wherever possible – choose to be a superstar and radiate warmth and positive energy to everyone you meet.


Dr. Anthony Fernando PhD. graduated from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia where he was awarded the Dean’s List Fellowship for academic excellence. He went on to join Accenture, a global IT consulting firm, where he became a Senior Consultant specializing in enterprise application design and multimedia software development.

In 2002, Dr. Fernando started his own business developing educational computer software. He is also the creator of the ‘Inspirational Quotes And Pictures’ Google Gadget and the ‘Don’t Quit’ Presentation which have inspired over a million people around the world. He’s also written a best-selling book, “The Oracle’s Secret.”



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