EDITOR’S NOTE: In these critical times of the novel coronavirus pandemic, there are people worldwide who are considering suicide. Today, everyone can play a role in Suicide Prevention. Call or Share this toll free number to chat with a lifeline member… 1-800-273-TALK (8255) What is the one thing most people …
Read More »I DO
-- By Emily Alford Park, R.N.
Dedicated to all who "wear white."
Do you know what it feels like to enter the room of a child who is delirious with fever... crying out in moans... reaching out in the darkness for some comfort from the frightening world of sickness. I DO.
Do you know what it feels like to stand in the hallway of a busy Emergency Room and watch the Rescue Workers racing frantically towards you as they bring in the victims of the automobile wreckage just five blocks away. I DO.
Dusting – Latest Drug in Schools
This Officer is asking for everyone who receives this email to forward it to everyone in their address book, even Law Enforcement Officers!
Latest Drug in Middle School - 'Dusting'
Dirt Roads
By Paul Harvey
What's mainly wrong with society today is that too many Dirt Roads have been paved.
There's not a problem in America today, crime, drugs, education, divorce, delinquency that wouldn't be remedied, if we just had more Dirt Roads, because Dirt Roads give character.
People that live at the end of Dirt Roads learn early on that life is a bumpy ride.
That it can jar you right down to your teeth sometimes, but it's worth it, if at the end is home...a loving spouse, happy kids and a dog.