— By Kath Miles, Grace Lover
Yesterday, I got into a very long discussion with a Christian friend who was responding to the last blog I wrote called “Underserved.”
She was adamant that I was wrong about God’s grace and, at one point, even suggested that my voicing what I believe on the subject made her question my salvation.
She believes that the covenant God has made with us can be broken by our behavior.
That Christians trample on the grace of God by not living a life that is about reproach, break the bond of grace that God has made, and set a dangerous precedent by believing that God’s grace is enough to carry us home.
When I talk to Christians who believe this way, I feel sad for them. I am so grateful that I don’t know the Jesus they know.
Imagine believing that the bond God made with believers by pouring out the wrath we deserved on His dear Son could be broken by our sin. The very sin Jesus died on the cross to forgive.

It breaks my heart when someone speaks that way about the grace of God because it belittles it. It makes it a human thing. It makes God like us. But God isn’t like us at all.
Yes, there is truth in what she said about trampling on the grace of God, but it is her that does so. Every time she makes our life, our commitment, our repentance, our walk, and our love for God the point. We are not the point. Jesus is.
Jesus. Our beautiful, merciful Savior. The Lamb of God who took upon Himself the sins of the world by suffering an agonizing death on a cross for wretched sinners like you and me.
His grace is all we need. His grace is all we have.
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sins so that we could be made right with God through HIm.
2 Corinthians 5:21
And I give them eternal life: and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
John 10:28
Read the story Kath mentioned above that produced this response at her Blog, Grace Lover, titled “Undeserved,” right here at Inspire21 >>
Kath has a Christian Blog full of inspiring poetry and stories to lift your spirits and delight your soul. For more of her magnificent work, visit “Grace Lover” – here >> … And follow her on Twitter here >>