Editor’s Note: I have two small dogs that love to see our UPS driver, Thad, whenever he comes down the street, because they always get a dog biscuit if he stops by.
This story is taken directly from the Facebook pages of UPS Dogs

UPS drivers deliver packages all day long. During each day, drivers encounter many dogs, most friendly and some not so nice. When time permits, drivers snap a photo and send it in to UPS Dogs. Our followers love the photos, and the stories told, as we share our love of these special relationships with these lovable creatures… of all kinds.

Since its inception in 2013, UPS Dogs has grown in popularity and we are receiving more and more of your wonderful photos capturing our furry friends. UPS Dogs strives to strike the right balance between posting your entertaining photos and not overwhelming social media feeds. Each day, we look for the best photos to post and try our best to include your submissions on either Facebook or Instagram.
Submissions should be emailed to: upsdogs@gmail.com. Please be sure to include a brief caption, the dog’s name, and your name and location. We always love to give credit to our army of photographers and canine friends.
The site is run by UPS drivers and is not a UPS Corporate-sponsored site. Visit these pages on Facebook at UPS Dogs.