Helpful Tips


2 Q-tips

by Maureen Killoran

Back in the 1920’s when Polish-American entrepreneur Leo Gerstenzang invented cotton swabs as a safer way to clean his baby’s ears, he called his product “Q-Tip.” Actually, his first name-choice was “Baby Gay” – but that didn’t sell, so the by-now familiar name emerged. Mr. Gerstenzang chose “Q” for Quality . . . and he must have been on to something, because Q-Tip has become a household word (and we’ve developed a whole another set of connotations for ‘Baby Gay.’)

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The Wonders of Coffee Filters

stack of coffee filters

Better than paper towels and a lot less expensive... Coffee filters... Who knew!
And you can buy 1,000 at the Dollar Stores for almost nothing, even the large ones.

1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent covers.

2. Clean windows, mirrors, and chrome. Coffee filters are lint-free so they'll leave windows sparkling.

3. Protect China... by separating your good dishes with a coffee filter between each dish.

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