
Bad by name; bad by nature?

Quote by Nelson Mandela

Source: "Long Walk To Freedom" by Nelson Mandela

During Nelson Mandela's 19 years imprisoned on Robben Island, one particular commanding officer was the most brutal of them all:

"A few days before Badenhorst's departure, I was called to the main office. General Steyn was visiting the island and wanted to know if we had any complaints. Badenhorst was there as I went through a list of demands. When I had finished, Badenhorst spoke to me directly.

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The Three Races

By Darren Edwards

In old times, fable retells the story of the young athletic boy hungry for success, for whom winning was everything and success was measured by such a result.

One day, the boy was preparing himself for a running competition in his small native village, himself and two other young boys to compete. A large crowd had congregated to witness the sporting spectacle and a wise old man, upon hearing of the little boy, had travelled far to bear witness also.

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Owens spoils Hitler’s party

Adolf Hitler at 1936 Olympics

Jesse Owens breaks records, debunks Aryan superiority.

The 1936 Berlin Olympics were to be Adolf Hitler's stage to validate Aryan superiority, the Nazis' belief in a master race. In three races and one long jump, American Jesse Owens, as much as anyone, laid waste that philosophy.

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Personality Test

This is a real test... given by the Human Relations Dept. at many of the major corporations today.  It helps them get better insight concerning their employees and in their prospective employees.

Dr. Phil scored 55 when he took this test on Oprah. Oprah Winfrey got a 38.  Some people pay a lot of money to find this information out!  Read on, and take the test yourself... this is very interesting... but, don't be overly sensitive!               

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NASA and The Bible

earth from space

-- Author Unknown

Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in
Baltimore, Maryland and a consultant in the Space Program relates
the following development. "I think one of the most amazing things
that God has for us today happened recently to our astronauts and
space scientists at Greenbelt, Maryland.

They were checking the position of the sun, moon, and planets out
in space where they would be 100 years and 1000 years from now.

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The Carpenter

bridge construction

Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side-by-side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed, without a hitch. Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding, …

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The Pretty One

Cocker Spaniel Pups

By Roger Dean Kiser

This was the last litter of puppies we were going to allow our Cocker Spaniel to have. It had been a very long night for me. Precious, our only black cocker, was having a very difficult time with the delivery of her puppies.

I laid on the floor beside her large four-foot square cage, watching her every movement. Watching and waiting just in case we had to rush her to the veterinarian.

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8 year-old’s Explanation of God

Illustration of God

-- By Danny Dutton
Written by an 8 year old from Chula Vista, CA, for his third grade homework assignment. The assignment was to explain God. I just wonder if any of us could do as well?

One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth.

He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.

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