Tag Archives: Truth

The Invitation

It doesn’t interest mewhat you do for a living.I want to knowwhat you ache forand if you dare to dreamof meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest mehow old you are.I want to know if you will risk looking like a foolfor lovefor your dreamfor the adventure of being alive. It doesn’t …

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Creative Bible Study

Bible, iPad and a cup of coffee

Featuring our Online Friends at Creative Bible Study When was the last time you sat down and enjoyed studying your Bible? Or has your class started yawning as they open up God's Word? Too many times we have in our mind that studying the Bible has to be boring (not that any of us would admit that to another Christian!). It's not meant to be though! Our desire is to provide you easy access to a variety of creative, free Bible study lessons. Here is a great resource for Free Bible Study Lessons and more: www.creativebiblestudy.com/Biblestudylessons.html

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Define what you have in mind

-- Author unknown

Have you ever heard the quote by Mark Twain "The world owes you nothing, it was here first?" A conversation I had today with one of my students got me thinking. Why does everyone think we're just entitled to success? The truth is...

You don't deserve anything.

Yet, you deserve to have it all.

Does that make sense? Two opposites, that at only the highest level of awareness - can you sit at both completely comfortable and content being in both realties. Because both are true. The world is unfortunately set up for your failure. All the odds are against you? But aren't there promises blatantly scribed in the worlds most ancient scriptures proclaiming we are and we become what we seek.

This isn't the Law of Attraction.

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My Mom is meaner than your Mom!

Mother and son

-- written in 1967 by Bobbie Pingaro
Was your Mom mean?

I know mine was. We had the meanest mother in the whole world!

While other kids ate candy for breakfast, we had to have cereal, eggs, and toast. When others had a soda and pizza for lunch, we had to eat sandwiches. And you can guess our mother fixed us a dinner that was different from what other kids had, too.

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Socrates’ Triple Filter Test

Socrates and Guard and angel

In ancient Greece, (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem.

One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, “Do you know what I just heard about your friend?”

“Hold on a minute,” Socrates replied. “Before telling me anything, I’d like you to pass a little test. It’s called the Triple Filter Test.”
“Triple filter?”

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Worse than a Bad Decision

Andrew Carnegie quote

--Author Unknown

Do you know why 95% of people out there never “have enough” of anything and find themselves lost, confused, and constantly searching for the reason WHY?

The answer is simple…

"Most people will loose more to indecision than they will to a bad decision."
-- Andrew Carnegie

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I Am The Flag of the United States of America

By Howard Schnauber - copyright Nov. 17, 1994

I am the FLAG of the United States of America.
My name is Old Glory. I flew atop the world's tallest buildings.
I stand watch in America's halls of justice.
I fly majestically over institutions of learning.
I stand guard with power in the world.
look up at me and see me.

I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice.
I stand for freedom.
I am confident.
I am arrogant.
I am proud.

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