
Move Over, America

More than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999, after being struck by vehicles along America's highways, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. To lower that deadly toll, a new coalition of traffic safety and law enforcement groups is launching a nationwide public awareness campaign to protect emergency personnel along our nation's roadsides.ÔÇ¿ Failure to obey this law will result in hefty fines and more. Watch this...

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Identifying a STROKE

woman holding her forehead

Blood Clots/Stroke - Good to review - even if you've read this before!
Now there is a Fourth Indicator... the Tongue.

Here's a story that will get you thinking about this life-saving information:
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call  paramedics). She said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

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Inflammatory breast cancer

Warning to all women over 50 - the most dangerous cancer known.

Breast cancer is something women think they know all about: Look for lumps; have mammograms; see our doctors. But none of that will save you from one silent breast cancer killer that women know virtually nothing about.

It's called "inflammatory breast cancer," and it's something every woman must know about.

Watch this shockingly vivid video and share it with others!

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Tapping your cell phone

Software exists to actually tap your cell phone and RECORD YOUR CALLS.

Imagine someone watching your every move, hearing everything you say and knowing where you are at every moment. If you have a cell phone, it could happen to you. 13 Investigates explains how your cell phone can be secretly hijacked and used against you - and how to protect yourself.

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Food Warnings

For those of us who are consciencious about the food we eat, here are some TRUE FACTS about certain foods and preparations which may cause illness or discomfort. For more details about each issue, click the link to Snopes.com (will open in new window). More will be coming soon...

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Skin Burns from Flip-flops purchased at Wal-Mart

Flip-Flops on deck


This is a combination of story, journal entries, and pictures from a woman who says she got chemical burns from wearing a pair of inexpensive flip-flop shoes or thongs purchased from Wal-Mart. Cheryl was employed at the store she got them from and bought two pair before leaving for a vacation trip.

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