
The Price of “FREE”

-- By Mark Tier The other day my cable company called to offer me two tickets to a special preview of the latest Sherlock Holmes movie. FREE. I wasn't interested myself (this Sherlock wasn't Basil Rathbone). But I knew my two boys would be. And the price was right. That evening, we were a bit rushed for time so instead of having dinner at home we had close-to-indigestible fast food near the movie theater. Bang. There went the price of eight movie tickets. Another movie ticket went into popcorn.

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Friends in Heaven

cowboy with his dog and horse

-- Author unknown

An old cowboy was riding his trusty horse followed by his faithful dog along an unfamiliar road. The man was enjoying the new scenery, when he suddenly remembered dying, and realized that the dog beside him had been dead for years, as had his horse.

Confused, he wondered what was happening, and where the trail was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall that looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch topped by a golden letter "H" that glowed in the sunlight. Standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like gold.

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Keeping Yourself Positive

girl listen to audio recording

By Brian Tracy

The most important thing you do for your success is to take control of the suggestive elements in your environment. Be sure that what you are seeing and listening to is consistent with the goals you want to achieve.

Listen Your Way to Success
Listen to educational audio programs in your car. The average person drives 12,000 to 25,000 miles per year which works out to between 500 and 1,000 hours per year that the average person spends in his or her car. You can become an expert in your field by simply listening to educational audio programs as you drive from place to place.

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Creative Bible Study

Bible, iPad and a cup of coffee

Featuring our Online Friends at Creative Bible Study When was the last time you sat down and enjoyed studying your Bible? Or has your class started yawning as they open up God's Word? Too many times we have in our mind that studying the Bible has to be boring (not that any of us would admit that to another Christian!). It's not meant to be though! Our desire is to provide you easy access to a variety of creative, free Bible study lessons. Here is a great resource for Free Bible Study Lessons and more: www.creativebiblestudy.com/Biblestudylessons.html

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The View From A Hospital Window

An Inspirational Story By Byron Pulsifer, ┬® 2011 It isn't everyday that I go to the hospital but there are times when I want to and not have to. One of these days came recently when we received a call from our son who proudly announced that a new baby girl had been born into the world. It wasn't that we weren't expecting the call either because we were baby-sitting our first grandson while his parents where otherwise engaged in a miracle of life. We soon had our little grandson bundled up for our winter drive to the city hospital.

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Will Rogers Humorous Observations

Will Rogers in old black & white photo

Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash with his best friend, Wylie Post, was probably the greatest political sage this country ever has known.

Enjoy some of Will's humorous observations on Life...

1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

3.. There are two theories to arguing with a woman... Neither works.

4. Never miss a good chance to shut up.

5. Always drink upstream from the herd.

6. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket.

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John 3:16 – I don’t understand it

sleeping boy

-- Author unknown In the city of Chicago, one cold, dark night, a blizzard was setting in. A little boy was selling newspapers on the corner, the people were in and out of the cold. The little boy was so cold that he wasn't trying to sell many papers. He walked up to a policeman and said, "Mister, you wouldn't happen to know where a poor boy could find a warm place to sleep tonight would you? You see, I sleep in a box up around the corner there and down the alley and it's awful cold in there, at night. Sure would be nice to have a warm place to stay." The policeman looked down at the little boy and said, "You go down the street to that big white house and you knock on the door. When they come out the door you just say "John 3:16" and they will let you in."

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Cleaning the Toilets

True story about life lessons

A TRUE STORY By Al Batt I went off to college with a head full of mush and no money. I needed a job. If there were no job, there would be no college. I found a part-time job and it was a dandy. It was a dream job-if you …

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Don’t Put It Off

--Author unknown Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine. I got to thinking one day about all those people on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back. From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible. How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you? How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy' on television?

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"How do you know if a man needs encouragement? If he is breathing." - Truett Cathy, Founder, Chick-fil-A With so many people in the world telling us we can't succeed, we need to hear people telling us we can. I remember my high school English teacher telling me not to apply to Cornell University because they wouldn't accept me and even if they did I wouldn't be able to do the work. (It's funny that I'm a writer now). I almost didn't apply but a few days later I saw Ivan Goldfarb, a former teacher, in the hallway and asked him about Cornell. He said, "If you get in, then you go. You can do it." His words made all the difference. I applied, was accepted and majored in Lacrosse :).

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