By Akiane Kramarik, child-prodigy
The Child Writes of the Narrow Road.
Few are the ones finding it.
By Akiane Kramarik, child-prodigy
The Child Writes of the Narrow Road.
Few are the ones finding it.
Akiane Kramarik, Child-prodigy
I caught a video on YouTube about a CNN report showcasing the story of a very gifted 12-year-old artist named Akiane Kramarik. There have been several young gifted artists in the past, but Akiane is rather fascinating.
What makes Akiane so unique is not so much how well she paints, but the subject of her work and her inspiration. When she was 4 she had many visions of meeting God. He told her that she needs to paint and help the less fortunate. He also noted that he’d be there to guide her along the way.
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PREFACE: This poem is published to honor each birth mother who wants a better life …
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